On this page you will find copyright notices for how you as a viewer can or can not use photos I have shoot, content, articles and graphics from oddne.net. Please read and understand before using any of these for your own website or other means.

Photos created by Oddne Rasmussen is provided for personal viewing only and can not be re-used in any online or print based magazine without the written permission. To request such a permission please send an email to oddne@oddne.net (this does not automaticly grant such permission).

If you find a photo on a website where you think it can be violating the copyright, please let me know by sending an email to oddne@oddne.net

All content, articles, photos, graphics found oddne.net is copyright © Oddne Rasmussen and cannot be used without the written permission on any other websites (private, commercial or non-profit).

Thank you for respecting my copyright.